Welcome to

Haybrook College

Welcome to Haybrook College Trust

Haybrook College Trust is an Alternative Provision Academy that includes a special school called Millside School, four unique programmes at KS4, as well as a range of ‘revolving door’ provisions at KS3/KS4 that have proven to be highly successful in supporting young people to maintain their mainstream school place or return to another mainstream school.
Our mission is to 'Inspire and support young people to make positive choices about the future'.
The structure of the College ensures that we are in a position to offer hospitality and catering at our highly successful provision Kitchen Craft. We also offer construction and motor vehicle at Pitstop.  Young people from local schools can also access this provision and have benefited greatly from the vocational pathway on offer. 
The most important aim for the College is to equip all our young people with the qualifications and skills needed to progress in their education and/or gain employment upon leaving us. We are extremely proud of our record of ensuring that our young people are able to move on to education, employment, or training. 

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Haybrook College Trust offers young people personalised teaching and learning pathways that will allow them to achieve both academically and socially.

The curriculum offered across the College is tailored to meet the needs of the young people who attend.  All young people attending the College face a range of ‘barriers to learning’ and the curriculum offer is created to remove as many of these as possible.
It is designed to ensure that young people have the best possible chance of a successful transition into Education Employment and Training (EET). It is also created to ensure that we can offer personalised pathways for young people with the most complex needs.
Our vision is that:
  • Young people have the entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum offer
  • All young people have the opportunity to achieve at least 5 GCSEs or equivalents.
  • All young people leave with a recognised English and maths qualification
  • Many of the young people who attend the College benefit from an offer that includes lots of opportunities for active and practical approaches to learning. The vocational offers at Kitchen Craft and Pitstop support this.
  • Supporting independent learning, behaviour, and leadership underpins everything that we do.
  • The curriculum is underpinned by Careers Education Information and Guidance (CEIAG) and all staff see this as their responsibility.

Ensuring that Slough’s young people with additional needs are educated in Slough.

The day-to-day running of each centre or programme is managed by a Head of Centre. Heads of Centre ensure that each young person receives excellent care, guidance and support to achieve their full potential. In turn, our Heads of Centre are supported by members of the Senior Leadership Team at the College, and an overarching Board of Trustees chaired by Julia Shepard. The Board of Trustees, alongside the senior leadership of the College, has responsibility for leading the overall strategic direction and ensuring that a consistently high standard of education takes place for all pupils.