

At Haybrook College we offer a broad and balanced curriculum across key stages and our multiple sites.

Key stage 3 learners at Millside School and the Rotunda study a rich and engaging curriculum with maths and English as a priority. There are a range of interventions for identified pupils and learning in the classroom is supported by cultural capital experiences and learning outside the classroom where possible. The Curriculum is appropriately sequenced so that pupils can gain the knowledge and skills needed to prepare them for appropriate qualifications.

At key stage 4, there are a range of subjects that allow pupils to make the best possible choices for the future and leave the College with a minimum of 5 GCSEs or equivalents. Pupils will study Maths, English, Science, and ICT as part of our core curriculum and then make some choices regarding the options available for their remaining subjects. Some of our pupils also work towards achieving the Duke of Edinburgh award. We work hard to facilitate any subjects that the pupils may have studied in their mainstream setting to ensure that they have the best possible opportunity to succeed.

Our Curriculum Intent is driven by our Mission: "to inspire and support young people to make positive choices for the future" by providing individual and bespoke educational pathways through a broad and balanced curriculum. Our curriculum is designed to build pupils' confidence to learn, stretch and challenge providing pupils with the skills they need to reintegrate back into mainstream school or be successful in the wider world by:

  • being broad, balanced, and developing skills and knowledge regardless of any barriers
  • challenge and inspire pupils to do their best both academically and socially
  • supporting the regulation of emotions needed to maintain mainstream placements
  • offering personalised pathways for pupils where needed
  • helping pupils to be happy and secure in their learning environment
  • allowing pupils to develop an understanding of core British Values and a wide range of other cultures

It is our Vision that our curriculum will further support pupils to:

  • achieve a minimum of 5 GCSE qualifications or equivalent
  • every pupil will leave with a recognised English and maths qualification at the appropriate level for them
  • develop their independence and self-confidence
  • develop positive relationships with staff and each other
  • progress successfully to their choice of further education, employment, or training
  • become a productive member of society, participating and contributing positively

Across all our sites the curriculum is implemented and delivered through the 'Haybrook Way'. This embodies high-quality teaching and is supported by strategies that are strongly evidence-based. Practice is shaped by 5 specific approaches:

  • Explicit teaching
  • Cognitive and metacognitive strategies
  • Scaffolding
  • Flexible grouping
  • Using technology

Our staff continually develop a repertoire of strategies which they can use daily and flexibly in response to individual needs. The focus is on improving the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom and ensuring that pupils are full members of the school community who have a rich and positive experience.

An audit of speech, language and communication needs, carried out by our Speech and Language Therapist, evidenced that 90% of pupils attending Haybrook have difficulties with speech language and communication. Consequently, staff are working closely with our Speech and Language Therapist to learn strategies that will enable pupils to manage these difficulties effectively.

The teaching and exploration of life skills are embedded within the curriculum and are taught explicitly through our PSCHE programme, with embedded RSE.

Haybrook staff have the skills and capacity to deliver a number of targeted interventions to pupils within the College. The intervention programme is led by our SENDCo. The interventions chosen are evidence-based in order to provide the most impact on pupil progress and development. They are delivered by specially trained staff or are supported by external specialists and are purposefully used to develop skills, fill gaps in knowledge and support learning. 

A broad outline of our curriculum for each year group is below but this may differ slightly from centre to centre.

Please click the link below to view the curriculum map by year group.

Year 7 Curriculum Map

Year 8 Curriculum Map

Year 9 Curriculum Map

Year 10 Curriculum Map

Year 11 Curriculum Map